Friday, April 3, 2020

COVID-19 morbidity and mortality, estimation for Afghanistan

COVID-19 morbidity and mortality, estimation for Afghanistan

Produced by[1]:

Palwasha Anwari, MD, MSc (Epidemiology)
Najibullah Safi, MD, MSc. HPM

 Model: Flu surge software fluSurge2.0 Beta Test Version. CDC-USA), 2005 which was designed by the United States Centers of disease Control and Prevention to estimate the impact of influenza pandemic on hospital surge capacity.

Purpose: to inform planning purpose for Afghanistan. It roughly gives the total number of infected cases, hospitalizations, cases required intensive care (ICU) and deaths. It also looked at what are needed in terms of hospital capacity, ICU and ventilators.

FluSurge model carries below assumptions
No. 1   Average length of non-ICU hospital stay for influenza-related illness is 5 days.
No. 2   Average length of ICU stay for influenza-related illness is 10 days.
No. 3   Average length of ventilator usage for influenza-related illness is 10 days.
No. 4   Average proportion of admitted influenza patients will need ICU care is 15%.
No. 5   Average proportion of admitted influenza patients will need ventilators is 7.5%.
No. 6   Average proportion of influenza deaths assumed to be hospitalized is 70%.
No. 7   Daily percentage increase in cases arriving compared to previous day is 3%.

·         Minimum (the best-case scenario), which estimates the fewest possible number of hospitalizations
·         Mean (the most likely scenario), which estimates the number of hospitalizations most likely to occur
·         Maximum (the worst-case scenario)

Model Input

1.    Age groups: into three categories and is taken from Afghanistan National Statistics and Information Authority published yearbook 2018-2019[2]
a.    0-19 years- children and school-aged children
b.    20-64 years- working adults
c.     +65 years- retirees
2.    Number of basic hospital resources
a.    Total number of non-ICU beds/Hospital beds= 13,623 beds based on Yearbook 2018-2019
b.    Total number of ICU- There are 200 ICU beds available in hospitals.
c.    Total number of ventilators- 200[3]
3.    Duration of pandemic
We assumed 12 weeks duration of pandemic- the maximum. (the minimum scenario is 6 weeks and middle case is 8 weeks.
4.    Attack rate
It is assumed 25% of pandemic. 35% and 15% for maximum and minimum scenario.

Figure 1 weekly distribution of hospital admission of cases.

Most likely scenario
Minimum scenario
Maximum scenario
Pandemic impact/attack rate
Total hospital Admission
Total deaths

Weekly distribution of Hospital admission
The weekly distribution of hospital admission due to pandemic was based on 12-week duration and 25% clinical gross attack rate.  The peak weeks are in the 6th and 7th for all three scenarios. In mostly likely scenario around 8,827 (range of 2,703-15,028) cases will be admitted per week in hospitals during peak time.
Currently we have 200 ICUs across country. Need for ICU increases from week 1 (88 beds) to 1,946 ICU beds (973% of ICU capacity needed).
Need for ventilator capacity increases from 44 ventilators in week 1 to 973 ventilators in the 7th week (487%), the peak of admitted cases.

Death occurrence:
1.    # of deaths from the disease: The total number of patients that died during each pandemic week. Here, we assume that deaths start at the beginning of the 3rd week from 92 to peak of 1,374 deaths in the 8th week.
2.     # of deaths in hospital: The total number of patients would die in hospitals during each pandemic week. The peck death will be in the week 8th and 9th 962 death.

[1] Contribution:
-          Dr. Anwari: lead the process, shaped the idea, consulted CDC expert on using the model for COVID-19 estimates, did the data analysis and drafted the paper
-          Dr. Safi: assisted in shaping the idea, provided input data, reviewed and adjusted the final estimates
[2] Population source:    Afghanistan Statistical Yearbook 2018-2019,
[3] Date source for ICU beds and number of ventilators- Directorate of National Hospitals, Ministry of Public Health

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